Heroes In Training

The following people are on their way to becoming Danny’s Heroes:

  • Aaron S. (1 act)
    • Lowered my car window and stuck my head out to alert a lady that her headlights were off.  She turned them on and gave me an appreciative wave.
  • Abby C. (3 acts)
    • Offered unsolicited and encouraging praise during a GChat.  This would normally not qualify, but because the recipient was Danny himself, the deed has been accepted.
    • Invited a person who she finds to be “weird and irritating”  to her party due to the fact that said person was going through a sad bout of loneliness
    • I gave a homeless man 43 cents such that he could purchase a third donut at Krispy Kreme (he initially only had enough money for 2 1/2)
  • Alisa Ba. (2 acts)
    • I held the door open for an elderly woman who was fubmling three bottles of wine while trying to coerce her dog out of the store. I grabbed the door as she almost dropped the bottles and called the dog to help her get him out of the store.
    • Donated work clothes (still in good condition but that I didn’t wear anymore) to the Suit Drive my company is doing to collect business professional clothes for women in need.
  • Beth S. (1 act)
    • While walking on U Street on Saturday I noticed two blind women walking together. One of them stopped to adjust her shoe and the other woman continued on and got separated from her friend. I approached the woman who was looking for her friend and offered to help guide her. The women reunited and were able to continue on together.
  • Britt S. (11 acts)
    • Douglas, one of the security guards at my apartment, was upset that he couldn’t go outside and experience the warm weather over the weekend, so I picked him some dandelions to brighten his day.
    • My coworker really dislikes me, never says hello when we pass, actively avoids eye contact, and talks behind my back. Nonetheless, today I decided to do her a favor by delivering to her a stack of her papers that had piled up at the printer.
    • I was coming out of the Metro when the man in front of me dropped some of his papers without noticing. I picked them up for him, but he was walking up the escalator quickly, and I had to chase after him to make the return. He was very appreciative that I did.
    • In support of Mr. Yogato’s 4th birthday, I recruited three friends for the yogurt eating contest, brought two additional friends to the event, and volunteered my choreography skills for the Call Me Maybe flash mob.
    • I was at a concert, and a reckless concert-goer spilled his beer all over the floor and walked away. People were starting to slip on the floor, so I went downstairs to notify the concert staff of the spill.
    • I was sitting at Mr. Yogato when I noticed a badge from the National Geographic Society on the floor. I didn’t know the person who had lost it, but I decided that whoever he was he probably wanted it back. I’ve since sent him multiple messages on LinkedIn, and even though he hasn’t contacted me back, he knows where to find his badge!
    • I was on the bus when a woman sat down in front of me with some twigs stuck to her back. I leaned forward and asked her if she wanted me to take them off. She said she had been leaning against a tree and was very grateful for my offer. I brushed off the twigs.
    • My friends and I were rushing to the Metro, when we heard a loud thump. We turn just in time to see a man fall against a parked car and then crumple to the ground, clutching his chest. We immediately called 911, kept him calm, and stayed with him until the paramedics arrived.
    • As I was walking down the hall to my apartment, I noticed that my neighbor had left his keys in the lock. I let him know, and he was very appreciative I thought to notify him.
    • I was on the Circulator when an older women got on the bus with several bags and a suitcase. The woman’s daughter had helped her onto the bus, but when the old woman got off at U Street, there was no one to help her with all of her things. She was struggling in the doorway of the bus, so I offered to help and carried her bags from the bus onto the sidewalk.
    • I was in the grocery store searching for eggs, when I saw a baseball hat lying on the floor. I couldn’t immediately tell how long it had been there or who it belonged to, but as I looked around, I saw a little kid pushing a shopping cart down the aisle and figured he hadn’t noticed it fall off his head. I had to rush all the way down the aisle to catch up with him, and sure enough it belonged to him.
  • Casey G. (2 acts)
    • Held the door open for much longer than socially expected for a trailing stranger who was clearly in a rush.
    • I happened to overhear a couple of lost teenagers telling their friend on the phone that they were on their way to meet them on F St. “We’re walking towards you,” they said, but I realized they were mistaken. Understanding this was an innocent mistake, I quickly turned around and pointed them in the right direction.
  • Corey J. (2 acts)
    • Donated his time and photographic skill to take complimentary pictures for charitable organizations, including Danny’s Heroes.  This includes the now legendary shot of Danny modestly bowing his head while three of Danny’s Heroes celebrate their newly reached blue-level status.
    • Put out a cigarette that had been carelessly thrown into a planter by a passerby and was starting to catch fire.
  • Daniel G. (17 acts)
    • I was out for a jog and saw a young woman attempting to parallel park; it was a very small space and not many people could’ve gotten in on their own. So I crossed the street and guided her into the space.
    • I helped find 2 pets by stopping and copying down missing pet flyer information onto my iphone.  One of the families tried to give me $100 in reward money but I did not accept.
    • My apartment complex lost power during hurricane Sandy, and the elderly woman below me lives by herself. So my brother and I decided to walk down and check to make sure she had everything she needed. We ended up lending her a flashlight and some matches to light her candles.
    • I was at the Premiere for the new James bond movie, Skyfall, and the theater was absolutely packed. People tend not to fill in the spaces between them and strangers so instead of goups of free seats, there are only scattered single seats open. I noticed a couple looking for two seats together so I waved them over and had my friends move over to fit them in our row.
    • I assisted a gentleman in ordering his lunch at wawa using the touchscreen. He was a bit older and didn’t quite understand how to use it.
    • I went around my complex asking if any of the tenants needed their patios to be shoveled after the snow storm… at no charge of course
    • My friends and I were playing a pick up basketball game. I walked over to a kid who was shooting by himself on the other side of the court and asked if he wanted to play with us. He accepted and thanked me, saying he doesn’t get to play with people very often.
    • I brought hot chocolate to the crossing guard that works at my school on an especially cold day.
    • I was walking down the street and informed a young lady who had earbuds in that her phone was going off from inside her bag.
    • I convinced 5 of my friends to come with me to a local synagogue on MLK day to give blood. This is especially impressive consider that i absolutely hate needles.
    • A coworker of mine was having a particularly rough week, so I made it a point to say something nice or pay her a compliment each day of the week.
    • A substitute at my school decided to eat lunch in his room since he didn’t know anybody, so I popped my head in and asked if I could join him. We ended up getting into a huge March Madness debate.
    • I helped a woman chase down here dog after it got away from her during a walk in the park.
    • I found a phone on the sidewalk on my way to work. so I looked at the contacts and called someone named “Maggie BFF” trying to find out who the phone belonged to. Turns out she was with the owner and I was able to return it to her very quickly.
    • After the big snow storm, I was out getting lunch when I saw a few people who were having trouble getting out of their parking spaces. I asked if they needed any help and rocked their cars back and forth until they could back out over the snow.
    • It has been an especially rough winter this year, so I decided to go around my neighborhood with any spare rock salt I had and offer it to people with particularly steep driveways.
    • A bus driver was having some trouble pulling a woman in a wheelchair up the ramp onto the bus. so I stopped and helped push form the other side. they were both very grateful.
  • Emily B. (2 acts)
    • Cut 9 inches of my hair off and donated it to the American Cancer Society. They will use it to make wigs for cancer patients.
    • Helped pick up a man’s papers after the wind blew them off a table and all over the sidewalk/street.  This deed was shared with Yang K
  • Evan R. (2 acts)
    • I helped a pregnant woman by taking her heavy luggage out of the trunk of her car and placing it conveniently nearby.
    • I gave up my seat on the Metro for a blind passenger and assisted them into the seat
  • Jenny D. (6 acts)
    • Hung out at the old folks home and helped with their fundraiser (partied with the 65+ crowd)
    • Put together disaster relief bags for the elderly.
    • Bought a Street Sense although I already had the issue and clearly was not going to read it
    • Disposed of an unneeded item outside of the view of the item’s vendor to ensure that the vendor’s feelings wouldn’t be hurt.
    • Volunteered stuffing Misloch Manot packages for either soldiers, kids, the elderly, or party goers.
    • Sponsored the education of a girl in Colombia and pay for all her school materials.
  • Joe P. (1 act)
    • I stopped a moving car and removed windblown rubbish barrel which was diverting traffic and could have caused accident.
  • Jon H. (4 acts)
    • Donated $5 to a juvenile diabetes fundraiser
    • Bought a VT Hokies necklace for a coworker who went to Tech while I was in New Orleans.
    • Gave multiple people a ride home even if it was out of the way after an amazing night of bowling
    • Bought a drink for Danny (of Danny’s Heroes) at a Danny’s Heroes event in order to induce Danny to stay longer.  While “buying a drink” is typically not a deed, the fact that it was for Danny himself resulted in the deed getting posted.
  • Kathleen P. (11 acts)
    • Offered to let a distraught lady cut me in line for a payphone (yes, payphones still exist in New Zealand) because she wanted to call around to try to locate her lost cell phone.
    • Offered to give up my seat to a couple trying to sit together on a full plane.
    • Invited a habitually left-out person to a happy hour.
    • Along with a Danny’s Hero, sprung into action instinctively to save the the life of another Danny’s Hero when he lost his footing while standing on a chair and almost fell off.
    • I quickly bought a Diet Coke for a Danny’s Hero who was feeling very ill with dehydration and an upset stomach.
    • Picked up two (2) giant pieces of plastic litter that were polluting the street and posing the danger of tripping someone.
    • Asked clearly lost strangers if they needed help; recommended a restaurant; sent them a coupon (even though doing so required me to text an international phone number).
    • Offered professional services pro bono to a fledgling organization that once paid me for my services but could no longer afford to do so.
    • Went literally out of my way to escort out-of-towner/conference participants who were anxious navigating the streets of DC from the conference site to their hotel.
    • Paid extra special attention and actively listened (made eye contact with the speaker, nodded) to the most boring presentation of all time, when everyone else in the room was talking loudly and not paying attention, if even remaining in the room.
    • Invited an out-of-towner/conference participant who is very social to join me and my personal group of friends for the Legwarmers concert Friday, so he will have some social activity while he is in town.
  • Lisa D. (1 act)
    • I interacted in a friendly manner with a homeless man in the park who was looking particularly sad.
  • Lisa S. (1 act)
    • I held an heavy door open for an inordinate amount of time for an elderly woman walking into my apartment building.
  • Marshall W. (1 act)
    • Upon noticing an empty soda bottle littering the ground, he scooped up the bottle and kindly deposited it in the nearest trash receptacle.
  • Mike W. (1 act)
    • Another hero-in-training has a computer problem in which she almost lost her entire music library. Tech-savvy Mike W. proceeded via gchat video to help her recover all of her files, so that she would not have to spend hours upon hours uploading all of her music on to her itunes again.
  • Nicole H. (5 acts)
    • During a wonderful event at The Arts Club of Washington I met a French student from Paris that is studying at AU this year. At the end of the event he had to get back to campus but it was raining outside. I offered to give him a ride to his dorm so that he could save time and stay dry.
    • I was in the office so late tonight that the cleaning crew arrived. I noticed that the gentleman who takes the trash from each office waits until you leave then circles back for your trash later in the night. I did not want to hold up his routine so I bagged my own trash, took it to him, and then replaced the bag on my own. He could not stop thanking me for helping him!
    • In a dirty crowded bar, while waiting for a bartender to take our order, someone dropped his hat. It would have been difficult for him to get it so I reached down and gave it back to him. He was thankful that it didn’t sit on the gross floor long. *This deed was “pre-approved” by Danny’s Hero, Alisa Brem.
    • While walking onto the plane, a man with two young children were in front of me. He was taking pictures of his kids. I offered to take one with him in it. He was really happy.
    • I had an aisle seat and the woman with the middle seat arrived a few minutes after me. I realized her husband was in a middle seat in another row and I offered to take the worse seat so they could travel together.
  • Rachel G. (7 acts)
    • I am a BBYO advisor, and the dog of one of my BBYO-ers passed away this week. I reached out to check on her and comfort her.
    • I helped a frantic, lost visitor to DC find the Dupont Metro Station.
    • I held the door open for a woman with a baby stroller.
    • I mailed a handwritten letter to my friend in another city who is going through a bad break up, letting her know how much I care about her.
    • I helped a lost person find their bus at Union Station
    • I gave up my seat on the metro for an elderly man.
    • I participated in the planning of an event to raise money for holocaust survivors.
  • Ricki M. (1 act)
    • Went out of her way to inform a friend that his bag had a couple holes in it. Had she not done this, her friend would have lost the socks and snacks necessary for his upcoming basketball game.
  • Sam F. (22 acts)
    • Helped two people figure out how to take the Circulator bus from DuPont to Georgetown.
    • Gave directions to a couple I passed walking on the sidewalk who were trying to find the nearby mall.
    • I was at Saturday morning Shabbat services and handed my book to a woman who entered in a wheelchair so that she wouldn’t have to go back outside the sanctuary to a bookshelf to find one.
    • Picked up trash while walking along the sidewalk (1/18/13)
    • Picked up trash on ground at Union Station (2/13/13)
    • Helped an older(-ish) woman while boarding Amtrak train.  Separated shopping bag from rollaboard and lifted suitcase up the steps. The woman was very grateful and said “a gentleman and a scholar in my midst.” I replied, “Well, I try,” to which she answered “Well someone raises you right.”I said thank you (I think) and that I would tell my parents. She said “please do” as we entered different train cars. (2/13/13)
    • Gave the ketchup and salt/pepper packages back to the Dunkin Donuts stand at 30th Street Station (didn’t use them on my egg sandwich). They said “thank you” – hopefully they can reuse them. (2/23/13)
    • Helped someone with metro directions at Farragut North stop (3/12/13)
    • Wiped up a spill someone left behind in kitchen area at work (3/13/13)
    • Picked up candy wrapper on sidewalk and put it in trash (3/15/13)
    • While waiting for the Circulator, helped some tourists waiting at DuPont circulator stop figure out how to get to Georgetown and see “the exorcist” stairs; Georgetown shops, cupcakes (recommended Baked and Wired for cupcakes; not sure if they were interested), and how to get to Arlington cemetery and Iwo Jima memorial via metro. Friendly group of three people; they appreciated the help. (5/16/13, 11am)
    • Stopped paper from rolling away from a store front painter at Sprinkles in Georgetown (5/31/13, 12:30pm) 
    • Rescued/saved commendation certificate belonging to former employee at my office from being thrown in the trash. I brought the certificate to Human Resources (HR) who had her address on file, and they sent it to her. (6/12/13)
    • Helped woman with Metro directions from Union Station to Vienna (7/3/13)
    • Helped woman with directions in Georgetown (from 31st and South St to M street). Saw her looking at map while crossing street as I was returning to office nearby. (9/17/13, 1:40pm)
    • Picked up a dime for someone near the DuPont metro station (9/19/13 7:28 pm)
    • Gave advice to tourist/visitor in Georgetown about what places to see (10/3/13)
    • Gave directions to Georgetown to two tourists right around p and 23rd st (10/6/13)
    • Gave people who looked lost directions from 31st (near ritz) to Wisconsin Ave. (1/29/14, 5:48 pm)
    • On cab ride (~30 min) from Chicago Civic opera bldg (AIR Chicago) to OHare, explained to cab driver how health reform worked and how to sign up. Was very grateful for help and said he would sign up that night. (2/26/14)
    • Provided directions to someone (with group of 2 others) who asked where to locate Foggy Bottom metro, near 24th and Washington circle (4/25/14 9:12 am)
    • Gave directions from Farragut north to Pret a Manger/Farragut West
  • Shira K. (1 act)
    • Babysat her nieces and nephews for 5 hours on a Saturday night (in lieu of going out socially), and did not complain despite the fact that she had committed to a much shorter time.
  • Sophia C. (1 act)
    • While at lunch, Sophia’s friend’s lunch order got lost, but she was too timid to complain.  Sophia went up to the counter and was able to get the restaurant to treat the friend to a burger and fries.  The hungry friend was very happy and ate everything with gusto!
  • Tila K. (9 acts)
    • After watching both freinds and strangers compete in a burrito-eating contest, she helped the satiated competitors out of their chairs and then held the door for all of them to ease them in making their sluggish exit.
    • While a mother was holding her little boy, she dropped several papers.  I ran around (looking a little silly) picking them up for her.
    • At a Happy Hour, a friend asked me if I would like a drink. I was very thirsty, but politely declined because he was already getting two other drinks and I didn’t want him to have to walk through a large crowd of people holdings three drinks.
    • At work, I had a meeting with two different vending machine vendors. They gave me about 20 drinks and a box of assorted snacks. After the meetings, I set up all of the food in the kitchen and emailed my coworkers about the surprise feast!
    • I saw a little boy climbing on some stair rails while holding a drink.  The boy slipped and fell but I had predicted a fall and was there to catch him, likely saving him from a broken arm.
    • A man unknowingly dropped his driver’s license as he was walking past me and a friend. I picked it up and ran him down to return it.
    • There were two eggs inside a glass jar (very random) on a ledge outside of a fine frozen yogurt establishment. The owner didn’t know how long those eggs had been sitting there and was too timid to do anything about it. So, I volunteered to pick up the jar with eggs and dispose of it, making the owner very happy.
    • While at work, I noticed a colleague was not feeling well. I had an Emergen-C 1000mg of Vitamin C that I was going to mix with my water, but decided last minute to give it to her.
    • Saw a female get hit by a cab, called 911, and made sure she was ok… she walked away with just a few bruises.
  • Zach R. (2 acts)
    • Used the “report good deed” section of this website to suggest that its administrators modify the sentence “Danny’s Heroes is named after Danny F,” to read “Danny’s Heroes is named FOR Danny F,” thus reassuring visitors that Danny F is in fact alive
    • Helped a friend select and purchase a text-messaging plan after the friend was fretting about his current state of of social isolation
  • Zach Z. (8 acts)
    • While at an informal gathering with some friends, I ”secretly” split from my group to purchase bread and cheese in order to surprise them with freshly made grilled cheeses.  And they all got eaten!
    • Waiting in line for airport security, Zach noticed someone’s boarding pass on the ground.  He picked up the pass and alerted proper authorities who then chased down the owner, allowing the young man to get on his flight.
    • While grilling Chicken and vegetables on a warm, beautiful Saturday night one of my building-mates walks to the back patio to blow off some steam. She had just made it through a stressful week and an even more stressful day (without eating) working at a local hospital! I then took food off my plate (two drumsticks and some veggies) and gave it to her in order to do my part.
    • At a bar, I incidentally noticed a lovely young woman’s ‘lock screen’ photo.  I thought nothing of it and proceeded with my night. Ninety minutes later, I noticed an iPhone sitting under a random table with the same ‘lock screen’ photo!  I immediately associate the picture with the girl from the beginning of the night and scan the bar looking for her. I see her standing by the door in a fret and then approached her to return the phone. She sees the phone, smiles, gives me a hug and calls me a “hero.”  I did not point out that, at this time, I am actually a “hero-in-training.”
    • While flying to Chicago last week, I noticed news reporter Andrea Mitchell on my flight traveling with her assistant. As the deplaning process proceeded, I noticed Mitchell’s assistant struggling to reach her boss’s bag. Quickly realizing that true heroism sees above any political divides I might have with Ms. Mitchell, I sprang into action, using my height and open heart to easily remove the bag from the overhead bin.
    • Alerted a stranger he had left his glasses on a table after he got up and started walking away from them.
    • At a concert festival recently I spot a friend of mine walking by herself looking dejected. I stop her and ask her what she’s doing. She says she can’t find any of her friends so she’s just leaving. I invited her to hang out with us; she says she’s so happy she found us then joined my group and enjoyed the rest of her night.
    • On receiving my check while out to dinner, I realized my bill was oddly low. Inspecting further, I determined the waiter gave me the check of the French tourists sitting next to me. I then saw the French tourists had already slipped their card to pay for the check that was likely my more expensive meal. I immediately alerted the waiter who then corrected his error ensuring our French visitors would not overpay.

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